March 6, 2024

Dear Speaker McCluskie:

On behalf of myself and my colleagues, we believe it is imperative that the Resolution, Articles of Impeachment for Secretary of State Jena Griswold, put forward by Minority Leader Pugliese and myself, be scheduled during this pivotal time. Since being elected, the Secretary of State has used her position as a platform for her partisan political ideology and has proven herself unfit for this elected position.

The Secretary of State has consistently been criticized for her lack of transparency and questionable bias. Her partisan political beliefs are constantly the subject of her communication to the state indicating her lack of respect for facilitating unbiased and fair elections. The Secretary of State's request for the removal of a Presidential Candidate from a primary ballot, on the basis of accusations and personal feelings, demonstrates a lack of professionalism and integrity.

The Secretary of State's effort to remove a Presidential Candidate from the ballot, recently ruled unconstitutional by a unanimous vote of the U.S. Supreme Court, would have silenced the voice of Coloradans statewide, thus displaying a direct threat to Coloradans' freedom of speech. Minority Leader Pugliese and I submitted this Resolution on February 8th and it has yet to be scheduled for the floor. We, the undersigned members of the House of Representatives, implore you to add this Resolution to the House schedule immediately.

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Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

